★#103;The One with the Yeti

give me creeps(ぞっとさせる)

Rachel: Ohh, whoa God! Storage rooms give me the creeps! Monica, come
    on please hurry up honey! Please?
Monica: Rachel, if you want the little round waffles, you gotta have
    to wait until I find the little waffle iron.


make 〜 up (〜をでっち上げる)

Chandler: Yeah, just some 9-year-old Filipino kids who worked their
     fingers bloody for 12 cents an hour. (Phoebe stares at him
     wide-eyed. Chandler sees her reaction.) That didn't happen,
     I made that up


stick up for 〜(〜を弁護する)

Joey: Dan just moved in downstairs. Yeah, he just got back from like
   this four-month trek in the Andes. Nice fella.
Monica: Oh he's nice. He's nice! Y'know, you always stick up for the
    people we fog!

倉庫で殺虫剤で煙で覆った(fog)雪男(Yeti)は、ダニーという いい奴(fella=fellow)

What is with 〜 (〜はどうしたの?)

Monica: Wow! That guy is so rude!
Rachel: Really! What is with that guy? I mean you'd forgive me if I
    fogged you.


read up (徹底的に調べる)

Chandler: Pheebs, what are you doing with the coat? How about the whole
     animal rights thing?
Phoebe: Well, I've been reading up and for your information, minks are
    not very nice. Okay, I admit it! I love this coat!


flip out (かっとなる)

Rachel: Come on you guys! Listen, if Emily knew I was here having
dinner you with you she would flip out and you know it. It's
okay, I really, I don't mind.
